The Central Bank of Iraq has slightly increased the Value of Iraqi Dinar in February 2023 to $1300.
While it is pertinent to mention here that significant increase identical to Kuwaiti Dinar RV will only happen, when Iraq’s economy will flourish no just in Oil exports but in other industrial & technological spheres as well.
The price of the Iraqi Dinar increase is predominantly depends on Iraq’s political stability, economic conditions, and rising oil prices.
The government of Iraq has taken several effective measures to made its banking sector on the modern & advance trends which includes launching of Digital Dinar which would be a key factor in gradual increase of Iraqi Dinar value. Many financial analysts also advocate that Iraqi Government successful measures in the banking, industrial & Oil sector is thriving the Iraqi economy which will increase the value of Iraqi Dinar in a gradual & consistent way.
Iraq Government is making effective solutions to stable the parallel market rates. The exchange rate unification will play a consistent increase in Iraqi Dinar price. Iraq is continuously increasing its Gold and foreign reserves; both of these are key elements of currency Revaluation of any country.
So, in view of the above aspects it can soundly be stated that in the coming couple of months Iraqi Dinar will foresee a gradual increase in its valuation.