Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It is Thursday, January 9th, and you’re listening to the Big Call. Welcome everybody. That’s within the sound of my voice.
Thank you Big Call universe for tuning in again all over the place, literally in countries that the United States does not owner control yet. But you know, right. It’s still early. I’m just teasing.
Well, thank you guys for tuning in yet again. Let’s, let’s open up the call with a word of prayer and then we’ll go to sue for what should be a really good teaching like we had last Tuesday, two nights ago. So here we go. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this platform we call the Big Call.
Thank you. That we get out to as many as 18.5 million listeners on average and have been as high as 24 million in the past. So thank you for just bringing everything to us that we have to share with the world. Thank you for the, the life that we have, the air that we breathe, the food that we eat, the water that we drink.
Thank you for every good and perfect gift that comes down from above. Bless us, Lord God, as we go forward and we anticipate the blessing so, so close to us right now. We can almost touch it. And thank you for continuing to bless us well into the future.
For Bruce Big Call (Thursday. January 09, 2025) Audio – Click here
To Read Text (Uncut) Version of Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel [Thursday. January 09, 2025] – Click here
Let us get into the so called intel segment but before I do, I want to give a shout out to Steve, Happy Birthday today. And I don’t do a whole lot of shout outs, do I?
Like some other person we all know. But I do a shout out I guess in a way to all of Big call universe. So this is, this is where we are today. You know, we did Tuesday night’s call and I got a little information.
I put some intel out that I really thought was pretty solid for Wednesday or Thursday. Then we heard that we would have notifications today or tomorrow. So I’ll get back into that in a minute. But what was going on, let’s call it Wednesday morning, yesterday morning was it, hold on, was going on Tuesday.
Starting in the morning they were starting to ping between redemption centers, banks using the Starlink satellite system in conjunction with the QFS, the Quantum Financial System. All of that was happening not only here but around the world. All banks, all redemption centers pinging through the Starlink system and connecting through the Quantum Financial System. That was to occur and at about 10 o’clock at night last night, which was Wednesday night and it ended up going four hours longer, which would put it 2am in the morning.
So they wrapped all that up at 2am in the morning this morning, Thursday morning. And then the point was when those banks and redemption centers had completed all of the pigging around the world, the rates on the screens would become live. Now that’s in banks on bank screens and in redemption centers, the rates on their screens would all be live as of 2am in the morning, this morning. Now it’s been a little tough to get detailed information on this.
It’s probably just as well. But we did understand that there was a conference call yesterday from noon to 2 Eastern that would have incorporated all of the redemption centers leaders and bank managers, at least bank managers throughout the country, the U.S. and then what was interesting was that there were two main things that they discussed from what we’ve heard on this conference call, one of which was that these currencies which we’re exchanging, they are not a taxable event. Now how long have I been Doing the big call.
Thirteen years, we’ve known that forever. But some people did not know that it was a non taxable event and it was designed to be that way on purpose. Well, certain people in the deep state would like to say differently. Some of the bankers and so on, on the call thought that they had heard that it was taxable.
Well, it doesn’t matter what they heard. It’s just not true. It’s a non taxable event. Now the income that you earn from interest being paid on your accounts in the bank, that interest is called passive income and it will be taxed.
But the, the event itself, the exchange of currencies and the redemption of Zim is not taxable. Okay? President Trump made sure of that, that it would not be. So that’s important.
And the other thing that was brought out was they went back and forth, I guess, and discussed this in a way that was definitive. Finally, remember I’ve been telling you guys to ask for the contract rate on Iraqi Dinar if you have Iraqi Dinar and that it would be substantially higher. I know roughly what it is, it’s much higher. And I was told that they discussed this on their conference call and it was determined previously that everyone with Iraqi Dinar would be offered the contract rate.
So that’s a win right there. Not the front screen rate, not the bank front screen rate, but the contract rate for Iraqi Dinar. And so that should be the case. Now here’s the caveat.
Let’s say you go into a redemption center and you have Iraqi Dinar and they don’t offer you the contract rate, then ask them for it. I believe they will. But in case something fell through the cracks, you go ahead and ask them for it. If they don’t offer it to you first.
Okay. That’s the way I’m going to handle it. Okay, that takes us through the conference call. Now what we had heard yesterday was that there was going to be a possibility to get the toll free numbers either late this afternoon or early tomorrow morning.
Well, guess what, it wasn’t late this afternoon, was it? What does that mean? That makes early tomorrow morning look pretty strong right now. And the chances that the theory is that we would set appointments Friday, Tomorrow, Friday the 10th and Exchange.
If we don’t get started exchanging tomorrow, it would be Saturday the 11th of January. Now let’s talk about R&R. I just heard this evening that Restitution and Reconciliation allowance would occur after the inauguration of January 20th of President Trump. We had heard that it would be in the first 10 days of January.
Well, what’s today, the 9th? I don’t think so. We got new information that said it would be sometime this month, but it would be after the 20th, which is Inauguration Day. Now, that’s referring to R&R.
I can’t speak to Social Security. That was supposed to happen in the month of January and still could. The increase could still occur then. But realize what we’re talking about, that has nothing to do with the RV.
Some people have conflated those two subjects and we believe based on our sources, that we are ready to get started with numbers coming out to us tomorrow with the emails from Wells Fargo. Now, I know that yesterday funds were moving globally from the Rodriguez Trust, which is humongous and never seems to have a bottom to it. Funds were moving for NESARA and GESARA globally. And we’ll just have to see what occurs with that and when that occurs.
But it should be after Inauguration Day and I don’t know how soon, but it should be between then and the 31st, which is the last day of January. So we’ll keep an eye on that. But what we really are more important, what’s most important to us right now is getting in for our exchanges and our redemption of Zim at the Redemption Centers, setting our appointments, Lord willing, tomorrow and then going, if not tomorrow, then Saturday for our exchanges. And if we do that, and we do start Saturday, we would, they would be open Sunday and you go right on through the weekend.
But that’s what the plan is as, as it stood tonight, half an hour before the big call tonight. So we’re just going to have to kind of watch that and see how it all goes. Now, I don’t think there’s anything related to the exchanges or anything else that is coming to mind right now that we don’t already know. But this is the latest and most up to date that we have, and I love to be up to date and give you the latest thing I’ve heard and we’ve got some pretty good sources that do still try to talk to us.
Not everybody that we want to hear from is able to, but I guess we have just enough to give you an intel segment that is the best that we can do.
Thank you for all you’re doing in our lives. Bless us as we go forward with our best foot forward, our future self. Thank you for all that you’re doing to bless us, keep us healed, keep us provided for and keep us faithful to use the faith that we’ve been given to believe.
For everything that you’ve promised in your word, thank you for Jesus and what he’s done for us some 2,000 years ago that is still relevant and valid for us today. In his name we pray. Amen and Amen. Well, everybody, have a great night.
We should have a great weekend. We’ll see what happens. And we’ll be in touch by email. So stay in touch with us by email.
Make sure you’re registered on big calluniverse.com and you’ll get. You’ll get an email with the 800 number. When we get it, we’ll send it out and we’ll take it from there. We’ll be in touch with you.
Thanks, everybody. Good night. God bless you all.