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Let’s go into the intel, talk about what’s going on and where we are.
Well, we’re looking very, very strong right now. The sources we’ve talked to are talking about this going on the 18th, which is Thursday. Today is Tuesday. That means that we should get notified between now and Thursday.
We know quadrillions of dollars have been moving around as of, well, probably before today. But we know today. We know that bondholders are to receive emails tomorrow that would give them access to their accounts on Thursday the 18th. We know that we should receive our emails either overnight, meaning in the morning, tomorrow or sometime tomorrow, in which case we respond to, we set up our appointments and we start exchanges either tomorrow evening or on Thursday.
So this is really a great opportunity for us right now. It’s terrific. Let’s see what else we’ve got relevant. We have a strong contact, two contacts that are iraqi citizens that are in touch with high up people in Erbil Ervile.
And they are telling us that the budget and rate of the iraqi dinar will be published in tomorrow’s Gazette, which is Wednesday, the normal published day in Iraq. We are expecting to see that published tomorrow. So this is the time which is very serious for us to look for our emails tomorrow and be prepared to set your appointment and start on Thursday. That seems to be the case.
And look, the 18th apparently is a date that has been decided on to have this start by. It’s also the date that Nasara is theoretically designed to begin. And for Jeannie and everybody else, if you’re a Zim holder, then you should be receiving your restitution and reclamation allowance, which we call r and R. You should receive that at the time of your exchange and redemption of Zim.
So that is a bonus for us. Now let’s say you’re not a currency holder. You should receive your r and R by the end of July. So we who are Zim holders have a little advantage there to get it at the time of our exchange.
That’s really good news. I cannot speak to the increase in Social Security or over halfway through the month. So I don’t know if that’s something that we’re looking at this month or next month later. Could be.
I’m not really that concerned about an increase in social, but it’ll come when it comes. What we have to be concerned with is getting the toll free number, setting the appointment and going in or our exchange. Now let’s talk about Zim holders. Zim holders, as you can imagine because of the denominations of the currency itself, are of high priority.
In fact, Zim holders who have projects, who plan to be around for a while have priority on going into the med beds. Now, those with dire need, and yes, I’m one of them, will also have priority going into the med beds and not too long after the exchange appointment. So I’m very excited about that and looking forward to that. And I think you all should be also.
So rates have been going back up. They were fluttering. They were not solid the last couple of days, but bank screens yesterday at 09:00 a.m. rates were fluctuating.
At 01:00 p.m. at the redemption centers, they were fluctuating. And I recommend that everybody go and do the exchanges up as soon as they can. However, for those that may not have zim, if you’re a dong and dinar holder, the dinar should offer us a contract rate, which is going up from where it was a week ago.
And it’s extremely high, higher than we thought was possible. But this is an opportunity for you to get a maximum that President Trump wanted us to get with that exchange. Now, keep that in mind. And as far as the Dongs, they’re supposed to be bringing that rate up higher as well, won’t be as high as dinar, but it will be a very strong.
I don’t normally say that, but I believe this is it. If our intel is proving correct, which I think it is, tomorrow is a day we should be notified, and then Thursday is the day we should be exchanging and redeeming our Zim. All right, so with that said, let’s go ahead and pray the call out and look forward to a wonderful day tomorrow and an even better day on Thursday when we start exchanges. All right.
Lord God, we just thank you so much for the position that we hold where we stand right now in this entire scenario, because we know things are close. We know that we are supposed to be emailed tomorrow with our toll free numbers from Wells Fargo. And we know we’re going to move forward into this exchange experience. Thank you for it.
Thank you for everything you’re doing in our lives. Continue to bless us and we continue to stand tall forward and speak the things that we want, the things that we need to happen into existence. We thank you for so many things. Thank you for your provision and your healing.
Thank you for our daily bread. Lord God, thank you for this blessing. We’ll be good stewards of it. In Jesus name, amen and amen.
We’re just going to say that’s it for our call tonight. I want to thank sue and Bob and GcK and Genie and Pastor Scott to be completely and totally healed from the head to toe from the strokes that keep besetting him. I want you totally healed, Pastor Scott, and I want you to be first in line for the bed beds. Let them know that right away.
And so that’s what I wanted to say tonight. Let’s go ahead and pray. The, well, I just prayed the call out, didn’t I? Let’s just thank Sue, Bob, everybody.
Thank you satellite team, for getting the call out. And Lord God, thank you for giving us grace and giving us the faith to believe, the measure of faith. Thank you for that. So let’s just move forward tomorrow.