
Article: "A government meeting to complete the project to modernize public financial management systems"  ...IF NO MALIKI THEN WE WOULD...

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Article:  "In Baghdad.. A national trade forum that includes an exhibition (Made in Iraq) and international visits to Iraqi projects" ...

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Article:  "After scandals escalated, the Central Bank topples a company that mediated in the currency auction"  You are seeing Mustafa...

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There are millions in the streets not to protest but to protect, Sadr, Mustafa, the auctions, the parliament, the cabinet,...

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  The CBI back on the news...they met with the United States Ambassador ...discussed money laundering efforts.  That's interesting for...

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  FIREFLY: Kazemi calling for all leaders to meet again...this time he wants all leaders to attend especially Sadr.  He...

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Maliki's gone.  Do we see Abadi?  No. ...All the trouble makers slowly going away...Sadr called for a meeting with Amiri... ...

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FIREFLY:  The dollar on the street is falling...since the Finance Minister resigned.  FRANK:  And that is the plan of Kazemi...

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They're talking about the dollar exchange rate.  They're saying...need to strengthen the local currency and stop the auctions all together...

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The Federal Courts IMO have already dissolved parliament many many months ago...Federal courts are not needed to dissolve parliament -...

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