
Iraq is starting to...stop being a dual currency country.  In other words you can't use both US dollars and the...

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It's the same gibberish going on out there.  How many millions of different times can you say that we're just...

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Yes, I heard there's an extension to executive order 13303 and everybody's losing their mind.  'This must mean something.  What...

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Article:  "Central Bank attributes the reduction of the dollar exchange rate to the increase in cash reserves and electronic platform" ...

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The representatives have accomplished their second reading of the federal budget and it looks like they're going to do a...

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If you're in the country and people prefer the US dollar they're willing to give up more Iraqi dinar to...

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Article: "Kurdistan in Baghdad's footsteps:  Demands to use the dinar exclusively in the real estate and car market"  This is...

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This is a big issue for Iraq.  If your government can't stop laundering money, you're going to stay on a...

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There's so many rumors out there when it comes to Iraqi dinar that you'll go insane, you'll pull your hair...

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There's so many rumors out there when it comes to Iraqi dinar that you'll go insane, you'll pull your hair...

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We've been monitoring whether or not they're going to pass the budget as well as conclude and finally sign the...

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There is some chatter about there being a new rate inside the budget.  Just so you know that every time...

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Article: "Iraqis Fly to Nearby Countries to Get Dollars as U.S. Cracks Down on Money Laundering"  Here's where the problem...

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Article: "International Monetary Fund Expects Iraq 's External Debt to Fall by $1.2 Billion"  It's really been amazing to watch...

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In case you're wondering why it is that they might change the exchange rate... - To have more purchasing power. ...

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People are saying, 'Could they change the rate Pimpy?"  Yeah, of course they can. Until the final budget is out...

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