Frank26 I’m extremely excited because that 3rd reading [of the budget amendment] is basically guaranteed. Why would I say such a thing? Because if they don’t do the 3rd reading, 15 days later the budget is exposed…It exposes everything and once it does, then you got to figure out float or basket…
Militia Man I don’t have to be the first person when the dinar goes. That’s fine. When it goes I’m going to be a happy happy man. I’ll be a happy family too. There’s going to be a bright future.
MarkZ [via PDK] Question: it supposedly was on Forex at $4.19. However, when I went back to look at it again, I couldn’t find it. Did anyone else see it? MarkZ: Most of the rates we are seeing on the IQD now is close to $4 bucks. I still believe the dong will be in the low $2 range… We won’t know for certain until we are at the banks.
Clare Article: “In London.. Iraq signs new memoranda of understanding with British companies in various fields” Quote: “In the British capital, London, a ceremony was held to sign a number of memoranda of understanding between the Iraqi public and private sectors and a number of British companies and institutions, in a number of fields, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Ministers”
Jeff PM Sudani went to the UK Britain to put together a massive trade MOU agreement worth billions of dollars, a very large trade agreement. It definitely will require the rate change in order to implement that.
Frank26 The HCL, like the budget, those two things will expose the new exchange rate…The HCL and the budget will be the first indicator of the new exchange rate IMO.
Pimpy The Grand Faw Port is really important to Iraq. This will allow them to be able to do a lot of trade globally. The ships will just pull right into this port and you’ll have a lot of goods coming in and out right at this section of Iraq. This is awesome. The Development Road is really big that allows a mass transportation. They have a railroad that’s going to be made right next to it. The same thing, great for global business. You’ll have a train that’s able to deliver the goods wherever need be there in Iraq. Things are looking up for Iraq. This is great for business…These things will help expand Iraq internationally and help strengthen the Iraqi dinar. Eventually it’ll get stronger over time and you’ll see the value of the Iraqi dinar increase against the U.S. dollar.
Militia Man Article quote: “The Central Bank Tower project in Baghdad and the Grand Faw Port is Basra among the list of the most prominent mega projects in the world for the year 2025.” I don’t know about you guys but that’s pretty big…Anybody out there has a fresh new picture of the Central Bank of Iraq from a distance so you can see that the cranes are down and all that? That’ll be pretty exciting for me…
MarkZ [via PDK] Question: Do you feel like everything is done in Iraq and we are simply on the ferris wheel? MarkZ: I believe we have crossed the finish line and are just waiting for the announcement in the winners circle!
Clare Article: “Iraqi Parliament Responds to US State Department: Your Interference in Budget is Unacceptable” Quote: “On Wednesday, the US State Department urged the Iraqi parliament to expedite the passage of Iraq’s federal budget. ‘We have worked with the federal government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government to reach a permanent budget agreement...’ State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a press briefing at the department…The Foreign Relations Committee in the Iraqi Parliament responded, on Thursday, to the US State Department’s statements… ‘The statements of the US State Department are unacceptable‘ ”
Fnu Lnu The budget has been passed. It was read long ago. All they are doing is reading the amendment…therefore there is no need to read the budget again…There is no significance to them NOT reading the entire budget because it isn’t on the table. ONLY the amendment to the budget is on the table which is why they read it twice…This is not a noteworthy event…It is business as usual…as it should be!
Frank26 For many years Wells Fargo kept telling you it’s a scam. Chase – It’s a scam. Why do you think they don’t tell you it’s a scam anymore? …They saw it as a currency on the OFACs list. They saw it as a currency that was of no value. They saw it as a currency from a country that was at war so they told you it was a scam…
MarkZ [via PDK] “Iraqi delegation signs memorandum of understanding in London” this again makes Iraq going “International”.
Mnt Goat Article: “GOVERNMENT ADVISOR: ASYCUDA SYSTEM IS A VITAL TOOL FOR DEVELOPING CUSTOMS WORK AND BOOSTING INTERNATIONAL TRADE”…“WOW!”… This is another article about these future non-oil revenues...The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, reviewed on Sunday, the importance of adopting the ASYCUDA system in customs administration, noting that it reduces delays at ports and boosts international trade…Remember again that this system needs a link to FOREX currency exchange to get the most current, UpToDate rate of currencies in order to calculate the fees. They cannot “fully” implement it without this tie in.
Bruce [via WiserNow] we should get, our notifications, I believe in the next day or two…We start on Thursday. That’s possible…This is one of these I have to wait and see.