Will all the collection agencies be shut down and their habits of phone calls, mailings and lawsuits be terminated for the now cleared debts after the Real Announcement of NESARA?
- “Now it’s time to implement The Plan. With the NESARA/GESARA announcement on Mon.19 Aug. 2024 the National Debt would be null and void by the end of the month.”
So we were to have the New USA Republic e*******s within 120 days per NESARA Law and that would make the mandated e*******s on 17 Dec., 2024 which may have happened, yet We The People never knew about them, or were the 5 Nov. e*******s included with non-Sovereign and DS people running for office and winning in our Republic?
Now five months later and we are still waiting for the Public Announcement of NESARA and not just word of mouth by the White Hats for just their insiders.
- “Fri. 17 Jan. Banks Zero out personal debt: President Trump told banks to begin zeroing out mortgage, credit cards and other forms of personal debt starting Fri. 17 Jan. 2025 with the national debt already taken care of by switching to the QFS, all other debt would begin to be fully paid off by the end of Jan 2025. …Gesara DurPreusse on Twitter Sun. 12 Jan. 2025.”
These cleared debts are for most if not all your previous debts up until NESARA is Publicly Announced and fully implemented for all to know about, but if you purchase items on credit or with a loan after that time I would suppose those debts will Not be cleared as they are new purchases that you must fully pay for through your present funds in hand or your QFS Account.
So you cannot just go out and purchase all you want with your New QFS Account and think they will be cleared as they were purchased as a debt and there should not be any interest attached to these new purchases as that is for the old Fiat System.
It shouldn’t be that the New USA Republic Treasury clears all your debts by collecting those funds from your own QFS Account and if you had $4 million in taxes and / or as a business loss and you only receive $3.5 million in your R&R payouts then you would still be in debt is outrageous. This may happen in the large amounts as with sports athletes and celebrity stars.
This is like you paid your Income Tax and you still must pay it even though the 16th Amendment and the IRS were Unconstitutional.
Here in this video it brings up that Portfolio Recovery Associates has purchased the debts from other companies and going after the people who don’t know their debts are still alive after about 7 years or they do not have the proper people as they only go by the first and last names which there are others with that same name.
Debts are purchased and sold over and over again and the 7 years’ limit starts all over again with the new Collection Agency and you don’t know it or who the new one is for which debt you had if any.
Debt Collection Co Filed 21K Lawsuits in One County Since 2022
The one lady, as mentioned in this video, says it is not her that has the debt as she has already paid everything off and her middle name is not the same as the one with the debt so she is fighting it.
Portfolio has lost court cases per unjust actions and had to pay back millions of dollars to people in other states as it looked like they were making a profit on wrongful debts to be collected.
Portfolio is one of the largest Collection Agencies in the USA if not the world and makes a profit off of swindling people out of money which really does not belong to them as We The People at the lower end do not have the funds to fight them in court.
Portfolio and others may purchase them at maybe 10 % of the actual debt yet try to collect on the original debt plus more interest which is their profit.
I have had debts I could not pay off back 10 years ago and some collection agencies have continued to contact me, but it has been Portfolio that now calls about twice a week and one time I did talk with them which they wanted to settle my debt and I just hung up.
It cannot be where they end up receiving a court order / warrant for your arrest for an unpaid debt, more like the cost of a home or business, but maybe some companies have done that with crooked judges as they don’t want the debtor to claim bankruptcy and the debtee loses in the end.
Those that have been sent to prison for these actions, along with income tax evasion, should be pardoned by Trump soon after he comes into office and be released.
Now when NESARA comes about will all these collection agencies be shut down or will they be allowed to continue and then their administrators be hauled off to jail for not complying with NESARA?
Maybe there will be some Collection Agencies allowed for those that do go into debt in the future, but the amount of these companies will surely diminish and the size of Portfolio and what they can do will be cut down just like our governments in size.
Now what about all the personal debts between family, friends and other people, primarily with only verbal agreements, will they be cleared or will it be that the people will have to pay up from their own QFS Account if they have one?
Some may be for marriage agreements when there might be a divorce and then there may be actual documents written up, but then it goes to arbitration or to court.
It shouldn’t matter if you can gain access to your QFS Account that someone owes you money and you just pay them then unless it is a sizable amount that you really could go to court with and the judge would accept the case.
Now debts for unlawful means is another matter, but I guess we will have wait to see on them when NESARA comes about.
This would be like Al Capone being arrested today on tax evasion for his unlawful activities, yet the debts of his may not be cleared.
- “On Sat. 25 Jan. 2025, the first phase of the wealth redistribution will officially commence, directly benefiting millions and marking the start of real community rebuilding efforts.”
Thus, the EBS should have started on Wed. 15 Jan. and I have not seen it as I am still waiting.
Will this be another mention of kicking the can as it may not happen till Trump takes action on Memorial Day or July 4th as he has to get preliminary actions done while in office to prepare the Great Wealth Redistribution?
Trump has to make sure most if not all of the DS are put away and none of them have gained access to their QFS Account or try to have funds seized from others as they couldn’t get to theirs?